Enjoy these love notes and musings, from my heart to yours.

Are plants toxic?
Caterina Boutagy Caterina Boutagy

Are plants toxic?

Yes. Yes, they are. Veggies, nuts, legumes, and grains are full of toxic compounds like lectins, alkaloids, furocoumarins, solanines and chaconine. This information is leading a whole movement of people abandoning plants all together in pursuit of a meat only diet.

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Oppositional medicine
Caterina Boutagy Caterina Boutagy

Oppositional medicine

A major approach to healing in Ayurveda is: opposites are the cure for opposites. It means that we pay attention to the qualities that are present in the bodymind and we bring in the opposite quality.

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Ayurvedic Detox
Caterina Boutagy Caterina Boutagy

Ayurvedic Detox

How to tell if you have toxic buildup (Ama), and what to do about it.

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Five Ayurvedic travel tips
Caterina Boutagy Caterina Boutagy

Five Ayurvedic travel tips

Travel is inherently Vata aggravating. It can throw our bodies and minds right out of balance. Here are some tips and tricks to help to stay balanced and vital.

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My Ayurveda Story
Caterina Boutagy Caterina Boutagy

My Ayurveda Story

When I left home at the age of 17 I took one of my mum’s books with me. I think it was called Ayurvedic beauty, or something like that. I studied each page of it with great vigour as it really did teach me how to care for myself as an adult.

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